Blazing Star Studio

Ceramic Sculpture and Pottery 
 Amanda Brown 

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GHANA Residency, October 2007
photos by Amanda Brown, Ernest Aryee, Susan Volk, Michael Merrill

Studiomate studio in Accra, Ghana MMsMandy in the studio

Susan and her bird Ernest in Vume
Studionmate kiln VMandy's sculpture
VGrace and her friend Market in Accra
Market in Accra Dinner by Grace at Sudiomate
Soccer on La Beach in Accra Chief's stool at the Ghana Museum, Accra

Potters of Otsew

Otsew shrine
Potter in Otsew VPotter in Otsew
Children in Otsew Otsew
Otsew Pot in Vume
Stephen in Vume Traditional handbuilding in Vume
Traditional firing in Vume Firing in Vume
Pots in Vume AAburi Botanical Gardens
Aburi Botanical Gardens Mandy, Susan, Ernest- Aburi

Screens at Tewobaabi Ato and Ernest

Ceremonial dancing in Bonwire Bonwire


Krofrom Brassware Krofrom Brassware
Krofrom Brassware Woman in Krofrom
Bongo Basket Village Bongo Basket Village
Bongo Basket Village Bongo Basket Village
Single Mother's Co-operative Basket Village Door in Sirigu
Five Soldiers at a family compound near Bolgatanga Village near Bolgatanga
Family compound in Sirigu Wall painting in Sirigu
Wall painting in Sirigu Wall painting in Sirigu
Wall painting in Sirigu Wall painting in Sirigu
Wall painting in Sirigu Wall painting in Sirigu
Wall Painting Artists in Sirigu Melanie- Wall painting in Sirigu
Potters in Sirigu Patience-Potters in Sirigu
Picworo Slave Camp in Paga Cape Coast Castle
Cape Coast Castle Susan and Mike atop Umbrella Rock near Boti Falls



Website created and maintained by Amanda Brown and Michael Merrill.